Gifted brains are hyperconnected, they perceive the world in a richer and more complex way. All of this implies much more than an IQ higher than 135.
“The first thing you notice when you look at the fMRIs of gifted groups is that it looks like a ‘brain on fire.’ Bright red blazes of high metabolic activity burst out all over the scan.”
“…the coordination of diverse visual, spatial, verbal, and sensory areas of brain.”
Eide, B and Eide, F, (2004), Brains on Fire: The Multimodality of Gifted Thinkers Feb 2022.
“Like the rain forest, are you sometimes intense, multilayered, colorful, creative, overwhelming, highly sensitive, complex, and/or idealistic?”
Prober, P. (2016) Your Rainforest Mind: A Guide to the Well-Being of Gifted Adults and Youth. GHF Press.
“Zebras, that different animal, that equid that humans have not been able to domesticate.”
“Like our fingerprints, each zebra stripes are unique.”
Siaud-Facchin, J, (2014), ¿Demasiado inteligente para ser feliz? Las dificultades del adulto superdotado en la vida cotidiana. Paidós.
“This brain has greater interconnectivity and efficiency and consumes less energy, indicating that it allows greater multisensory uptake, better memory (capacity and efficiency) and greater organizational capacity, performs more extensive associations, has greater potential for convergent and divergent thought and requires fewer repetitions.”
Sastre-Riba S, Ortiz T. Neurofuncionalidad ejecutiva: estudio comparativo en las altas capacidades. Rev Neurol 2018; 66 (Supl 1)
Siaud-Facchin, J, (2014), ¿Demasiado inteligente para ser feliz? Las dificultades del adulto superdotado en la vida cotidiana. Paidós.